Help brands become relevant,
helping agencies stay that way.
I do a lot of things. I can concept, write, art direct, develop strategies, influencer marketing, and manage projects. But what I do best? Help brands become relevant, and helping agencies stay that way.
Consumers don’t want to be sold to. They want to be talked to like they’re your equal. Lucky for you, I’m fluent in what the kids are saying, and I can help you translate. I believe in helping brands drive relevancy. I have a theory that gets each brand to the core of their potential relevance per campaign thats not copy-and-paste (shoot me a note if you want in on that).
But it’s not just the brands that need to adapt. For agencies, budgets are shrinking, timelines are faster than ever, and traditional advertising is changing. Agencies are embracing a more nimble approach and I’m in on that.
So, if you’ve been in the advertising game for 30+ years, you might be asking: What exactly does Olivia do? The answer is simple—the people who need me most are the ones who may not understand what I do. Call me.